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Reference our FAQ's for answers to commonly asked questions about trademarks and contact us for a free consultation.
Why should I hire Mastermark?
You should hire Mastermark to handle your trademark needs because you will receive unparalleled professional service from a knowledgable attorney experienced in trademark and business matters. We understand the immense value that a trademark can have and treat them as valuable intellectual property. Most importantly, we treat our clients with the utmost respect and stay committed to charging reasonable legal fees.
What is a trademark?
In a nutshell, a trademark is a word and/or logo that is used in business to indicate the source of goods or services. A trademark may also be a combination of words, a slogan, or even a distinctive sound or color.
Why should I register my trademark with the USPTO?
You should apply for registration with the United States Patent & Trademark Office so that you have a public record of your use and ownership of your trademark. Second, a Federal registration gives you legal protection in all 50 U.S. states as opposed to just one. Third, a Federal registration makes it easier to license, transfer or sell a trademark. Lastly, a Federal registration gives you the right to sue in Federal Court when your mark is being infringed upon.
How long does it take to obtain a trademark registration?
From start to finish, it takes approximately 18 months to obtain a Federal trademark registration.
What is the process of applying for a trademark registration?
Approximately six months after your trademark application has been filed, an examining attorney at the USPTO will determine of there are any conflicting trademarks (either registered or pending registration) that may prevent yours from becoming registered. The examining attorney will also check your application for any general errors or mistakes. If there are any legal issues raised by the examining attorney, they will issue an "Office Action" that must be addressed and replied to within three months.
Once the examining attorney approves the application (along with any Office Actions that are issued), it will be published in the USPTO's "Official Gazette" for a period of thirty days. If no parties oppose the application during this period, then your trademark will subsequently become registered.
What should I do if someone uses my trademark without permission?
Unauthorized use of a trademark or service mark is called “infringement." If an individual or business is infringing upon your trademark, then you have to right to send them a cease & desist letter and/or sue them. If someone is infringing upon your mark, please contact us immediately to discuss your options.
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